Store - FAQ

What is a backing track?

A backing track is an audio mp3 of the song with all the Guitar Leads and Guitar Solos removed so you can play along with the song.

What is a karaoke track?

A karaoke track is an audio mp3 of the song with all the Vocals removed so you can sing along with the song.

Who creates the guitar tabs?

I do. I write, compose, and arrange all my music. The only thing I don't write is when I do a collaboration with another guitar player they write their own guitar solo(s).

I then work with the contributing guest guitarist to tab their solo(s) out as accurate as possible.

What is Guitar Pro?

Guitar Pro is a multitrack editor of guitar tablature, bass tablature, drum tablature, and musical scores.

Possessing a built-in MIDI-editor, a plotter of chords, a player, a metronome, and other tools for guitarists and musicians.

Click Here for more information about Guitar Pro.

How do I add your presets to my guitar pro?

The simplest way is to open Guitar Pro 6, click on File, then Preferences, click on the three dots next to "Open The Presets Directory", then copy and paste my Custom Presets into the folder, and restart Guitar Pro. My Custom Presets will then be ready to use in my song tabs.

To use my presets in other artists songs you need to select them by clicking on the Stomp Box Pedal, then the Selection Menu Drop Down, then Load User Defined Preset, and Select the Preset you want to use.